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The Tailor and the Aliens - Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse ...
www.phantomsandmonsters.com/.../the-tailor-and-al...Traducir esta página21 de sept. de 2013 - On April 10, 1962 at about 09:30 p.m., Italian tailor Mario Zuccala, aged 26, was ... Enter your email address and grab your free daily dose ofFlorentine tailor taken aboard UFO and given message ...
www.ufoevidence.org/cases/case757.htmTraducir esta páginaFlorentine tailor Mario Zuccala, who was walking home through a wood, watched ... Special Features/Characteristics: Humanoid/Occupant, Contact ... Ceccarelli Silvano, 'Mario Zuccala's strange encounter,' Flying Saucer Review, Jul-Aug 1962. ... by a microphone and as if resounding in a vast space" spoke to him in Italian.INTCAT: INTCAT 1962
intcat.blogspot.com/2012/09/intcat-1967_6.htmlTraducir esta páginaThe being smiled and asked in Italian for water producing two containers that had been ... Mario Zuccala (26), a tailor who worked in Florence , was coming home through ... was kept in a case that could only be opened using three extraterrestrial words. .... FSR Case Histories 14, p.14, citing LDLN Contact Lecteurs 3, 5, p.x..Phantoms and Monsters: Pulse of the Paranormal - Google ...
https://groups.google.com/d/msg/.../i0CRU6eGQZ4JTraducir esta página21 de sept. de 2013 - On April 10, 1962 at about 09:30 p.m., Italian tailor Mario Zuccala, aged 26, was walking ... The UFO Evidence - Volume 2 : A Thirty Year ReportNext Entries - admin | Da Vinci Code Secrets
newworldsandbeyond.info/secrets/author/.../102/?...Traducir esta página22 de sept. de 2013 - The interview offers a description of two UFO sightings and incidents of ... in October 1998 and revealed that Puddy's contact experience hadn't .... On April 10, 1962 at about 09:30 p.m., Italian tailor Mario Zuccala, aged 26, ... [PDF]dr. felix zigel' and the development of ufology in russia: part iii.
www.ignaciodarnaude.com/ufologia/Creighton,Ufol...Traducir esta páginamany “extraterrestrial craft” that have flown over that country, or landed on its ... gave him the latter's address. In due course Norin ..... Examples of the previous type are those of Mario Zuccala in Italy in April 1962 (FSR, Vol. VIII, N0. 4, p. 5.), of.Encounter Cases - Flash Intro Page
martianrocker.com/Encounter_Cases.htmlTraducir esta páginaVillagers in Thailand claimed they witnessed an "alien" or extra-terrestrial being ... Interaction/Reaction, Humanoid/Occupant, Human-Initiated Contact ..... April, 10, 1962 - San Casciano, Italy Florentine tailor taken aboard UFO and given message. Florentine tailor Mario Zuccala, who was walking home through a wood, ...[PDF]FSR,1982,V 27,N 5.pdf - noufors
www.noufors.com/.../Specialty%20UFO%20Publicat...Traducir esta página10 de mar. de 1982 - before 1962 had been destroyed “. . . because someone had decided they were 'of no ..... reported in Henry Gris's two articles in the Italian magazine Genre (July ..... been a landing by a UFO on Earth, or a contact with. UFO entities ... Examples of the previous type are those of Mario Zuccala in Italy in April ... Fotos da linha do tempo - The truth about Aliens and Ufos ...
https://pt-br.facebook.com/.../a.../514391525284224...Traducir esta páginaPart -2 UFO - HEALINGS - true accounts of people healed by extraterrestrials by ... IN 1962 there appeared in Switzerland the story of Hans Klotzbach of which only a ... Another transitional tale is that of the Florentine tailor Mario Zuccala, who in ... by a microphone and as if resounding in a vast space" spoke to him in Italian.1962
www.fenomenum.com.br › Aspectos HistóricosTraducir esta página1, 10 de abril, Florença, Itália, 1, avistamento de disco voador e de tripulante de pequena estatura, Mario Zuccala, alfaiate, morador da regiõo de San Casciano, Val di Pesa, .... O Fenômeno UFO e sua influencia na formaçõo das religiões.
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